Trustee Reps: (4 representatives):

Mr. Stephen Sharpe (Chairperson)

Ms. Helen Maguire

Ms. Lynda Mullan

Ms. Catherine Murray

Teacher Reps: (2 representatives)

Ms. Christine Cahill

Ms. Alexandra Murray

Parents Reps: (2 representatives)

Ms. Sarah Healy

Ms. Vickie Keating

In attendance / Secretary to the Board – Mr. P Gibbons

The trustees are the legal owners of the school, which the Board of Management has been appointed to manage. The Board of Management is responsible for school governance. The Principal acts as Secretary to the Board and has no voting rights. Ensuring the continuity of Catholic Education in the hands of lay teachers is a primary role of the Board who in turn is responsible to our trustees at the CEIST office. Decisions which may change the ethos or status of the school are matters for the trustees alone.

The Board is covered by a professional indemnity which protects its members both collectively and individually should legal action be taken against it as a result of its actions.  Individual members of the Board should not be contacted regarding school business under any circumstances. All correpondence should be sent to ‘Secretary to the Board of Management, Our Lady of Mercy Secondary School, Mourne Road, Drimnagh, D12 HT22.